This is my Life
Lifestyle Photography

I have always taken a lot of pictures of my kids, family, trips, travel, etc... I think it is very important to take "normal" pictures. As a photographer I think there is a lot of pressure for every picture to be an amazing piece of art. That is great and all, but sometimes I just want pictures of my life. In this set I have included pictures of what they are doing now. My little girl with her baby, eyes,nose and mouth, trying to trace her hand, the Wii, Skylanders, Nathan playing his DS, Noah saying goodbye to Beamer (our Elf). These are the stories that tell my life. Looking back at the pictures of my childhood, or even the pictures of my nieces and nephew, some of my favorites are when we are being silly, my niece with my cat, in my bathing suit top, etc.. These are the moments of our life. Cherish them and love them with all that you have. These are the times you can never get back. As a parent and a photographer I challenge you to take more pictures of your life (once you take them get them printed, they do you no good sitting on a computer =) Here are few of my favorites.

Get out there and start documenting your life! Your kids may hate it now, but they will certainly appreciate it later!
Thanks and until next time,